Family Services

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When a loved one dies, there are usually a lot of unanswered questions and confusion that surrounds the death. Dr. Raven works with the family to answer those questions. An autopsy is the best way to answer medical questions that may have arisen during an illness or death. Private autopsies can be done at the funeral home and can include full toxicology and histology as needed. Dr. Raven can also help families navigate the medicolegal system and help them understand their rights when a coroner or medical examiner assumes jurisdiction over the death of their loved one. Dr. Raven strives to get answers and reports quickly to families understanding their deep need for answers. Other pathologists work for families after working in an office all day and “get” to the private autopsy when they can. Dr. Raven makes families her number one priority!

Services provided include:

  • Private autopsy
  • Navigate and advocate for the family with the Coroner or Medical Examiner
  • Review medical records or autopsy reports to help the family understand medical terminology and sequence of events.